The W.T. Waggoner Ranch is the largest parcel of land “under one fence” in the United States—more than 510,000 contiguous acres—encompassing a multi-generational family accomplishment yielding an empire of oil fields, open ranges, fertile farming, and endless miles of grazing land spread across six counties of Northwest Texas prairie and sweeping rangeland. Considered one of the last remaining hallmarks of Texas cowboy culture, the legacy began with founder W.T. Waggoner staking claim to his domain in 1849 when Abraham Lincoln was in Congress and California was petitioning to join the Union. After 165 years of family ownership, the property is now available and awaiting its next owner and steward. A long and illustrious history and reputation as a thriving cattle operation sporting the coveted W.T. Waggoner brand has recently been enhanced by the success of its state-of-the-art Quarter Horse training and breeding facility. Additionally, 30,000 acres are cultivated farmland with the remainder of the ranch providing a mixed variety of native grasses and improved pastures. The ranch has never been commercially hunted, making it a haven for deer, turkey, quail, and other wildlife. The expansive and diverse geography includes a vibrant oil operation boasting 1,000 producing wells.

W.T. Waggoner Ranch, Vernon, Texas
Offered at $725,000,000