Renaissance Member

    The property location, price, and contact information will appear as shown on this order form. Photo selection, text, print, digital, video, and design are at the discretion of the publisher.

    Photographic Materials and Property Facts.

    A Dropbox link for receiving your materials will be emailed to you on receipt of the submitted form. If you prefer to use another cloud-based service, please share a link to your materials with: [email protected].

    1. Photography: Please follow closely our Photography Guidelines. We prefer to have a minimum of eight images to choose from. Please identify any images that MUST be used.

    2. Property Facts. A current brochure is acceptable information for the text, which we will write. Please indicate any facts that MUST be included or MAY NOT be included.

    3. Full Payment must be received before your showcase goes into production. Send Payment: Leading Estates of the World, 901 Willow Drive, Suite 2, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514 . Please contact us for instructions on credit card or wire-transfer payments.

    Number of properties for Issue 202 – each property showcased on two pages is $3,000. Additional two pages to supersize a property showcase is $1500. Publisher reserves the right to approve all submissions.

    Number of magazines for broker mailing list (300 minimum at $5 per copy)

    Magazines to my offices (100 minimum, increments of 25) at $3 per copy including shipping