Ten miles from the Delaware River and near the last covered bridge in New Jersey a peaceful world remains. Steeped in history, the circa 1797 mill captures nostalgia with its exposed stonewalls and timbers. Beloved for its four huge riverstone fireplaces, the vintage ensemble supplies 5,800 square feet embracing heartwarming main rooms and five bedrooms—all crafted to capture the heart. Endearing as the interiors are, however, it is the outdoors that visitors often cherish most. From country lawns and patios, brick pathways meander to small waterfalls, a stone smokehouse, cliffs and pools for bathing on summer days, and 1,000 feet along the stream that served as the inspiration and ancient source for the mill.

Historic Mill Estate, Stockton, New Jersey
Offered at $1,595,000 (On 5.45 acres with additional land available).