A luxury retreat sixteen miles from Telluride, the spectacular BBR Ranch embraces two parcels within 1,492 acres including cross easements allowing owners to enjoy the entire property at a reasonable annual operational cost. The west parcel encompasses 327 acres, the east 451 acres. Amenities include a 32,000-square-foot indoor/outdoor equestrian facility with a veterinarian center, arenas, and seven miles of trails, along with skiing, fishing, a stocked trout pond, and three onsite managers. A world-class sporting clay course with 10 stations overlooks the western canyons. Breathtaking views capture lofty 14,000-foot Mt. Wilson, the San Sophias, Telluride ski area, and the incredible western sunsets.

BBR Ranch, Telluride, Colorado
Offered at $6,150,000 each